Getting Started

This guide is designed to provide you with all the necessary information to integrate your data with our platform efficiently and effectively. Pulsate is committed to providing a seamless experience for importing your CSV-formatted data via SFTP, ensuring that your information is processed accurately and stored securely in our database. This enables the use of advanced features like Segmentation and Personalization, which are crucial for delivering a tailored experience to your users.


The Pulsate Data Ingestion Service is a robust and secure pipeline for your data needs. It is tailored for businesses looking to enhance their customer experience through precise data-driven insights. Our service allows you to transmit large volumes of data in a familiar CSV format, which our system processes and integrates into your service ecosystem.

Key Features

  • Secure Data Transfer: Utilize SFTP for encrypted and reliable data transmission.
  • CSV Format Acceptance: Easily send data in a universally accepted CSV file format.
  • Automated Processing: Our service automatically processes your incoming data for integration.
  • Data Storage: Processed data is stored in our secure database, ready for use.
  • Segmentation: Leverage processed data to create targeted customer segments.
  • Personalization: Utilize customer data to personalize user experiences.

How It Works

  1. Data Transfer via SFTP: Securely upload your CSV files to our SFTP server. The data should be formatted according to our specified standards, ensuring compatibility with our processing system.

  2. Automated Data Processing: Upon receipt, our service automatically initiates the data processing workflow. This includes validation, cleaning, and transformation to match our internal database schema.

  3. Database Storage: After processing, your data is securely stored in our database, maintaining its integrity and availability for future use.

  4. Feature Activation: With the data in place, you can now utilize our Segmentation and Personalization features. These tools allow you to categorize customers into segments based on various criteria and create customized experiences for individual users or groups.


  • Efficiency: Our automated processing means quick integration of your data into our system.
  • Security: We prioritize the security of your data from the moment it is transmitted to when it is stored in our database.
  • Scalability: Our service can handle large volumes of data, growing with your business needs.
  • Insightful Analytics: With your data processed, you have the opportunity to gain valuable insights to drive your business strategies.

Getting Started

To begin using the Pulsate Data Ingestion Service, you will need to set up an SFTP account with us and adhere to our CSV formatting guidelines. The subsequent sections of this documentation will detail the step-by-step process, requirements, and best practices for a successful data ingestion experience.

What’s Next