The following details the fields and file format required to create and update Users in Pulsate using SFTP.


When creating a CSV file that contains Users, the file must include the following fields:

Field NameRequiredDescriptionType
aliasYesThe unique identifier for the user (i.e. a Member Number)string
first_nameNoThe first name of the user.string
last_nameNoThe last name of the user.string
emailNoThe users email address.string
phoneNoThe users phone number.string

CSV File Example

Below is an example of how your CSV file might look for custom attributes:

"user123","John","Smith","[email protected]","1235554495"
"user124","Jane","Smith","[email protected]","1235554495"
"user125","Cheryl","Burns","[email protected]","1235554496"
"user126","Cathy","Hunter","[email protected]","1235554424"
"user127","Paul","Hunter","[email protected]","1235554256"


  • Ensure that your CSV file is comma-separated and that it includes headers in the first row.
  • Double-check that all required fields (alias) are present in the file.
  • Use quotes to enclose string values if they contain commas or other special characters.

By following the above file format specifications, your data will be correctly ingested by the Pulsate platform, enabling you to leverage our Campaign, Journeys, Segmentation and Personalization features effectively. If you require further clarification or assistance with preparing your CSV files, please reach out to [email protected] or contact your Customer Success Manager.

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